We live in the suspension between needing restorative care and enjoying peak condition. Within this continuum, Elevate customizes bodywork through massage and the GYROTONIC Expansion System.

In any season, you may require therapeutic attention or a focused challenge. Together we will address movement habits to resolve pain and develop power.

Elevate supports healing and strengthens you towards enjoying the things you love.

Private Bodywork Sessions

Elevate currently offers private sessions from 1 hour to a day rate that provides 5 hours of purposeful support. Preferential scheduling is given to current clients prioritizing consistent care. Planning begins with an exploratory conversation to define what vitality means for you. You may have an upcoming competition, trip, or want to go through your daily life with more ease! As we clarify direction, we will choose strategy and frequency to best serve your objectives. We are going to focus on what you want to do and how you want to feel while doing it then holistically move in that direction from a respectful starting point of your current physical circumstances.

Most sessions are offered from my home studio in Charleston, South Carolina. Massage at your location can be scheduled as well! To get in touch about booking, click here.

Some Flexible Spending Accounts, and Health Savings Accounts will reimburse you for the cost of care. Please inquire with your FSA or HSA for specifics. We accept Venmo, and Zelle as well as forms of traditional payment.